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Rhine TUV certification
作(zuò)者:管理(lǐ)員(yuán)   時(shí)間(jiān):2021-08-18 11:49  來(lái)源:未知   浏覽:
Rhine TUV certification introduction
TUV Rheinland is a German product safety and quality certification agency, an inspection agency recognized by the German government, and an authoritative certification agency in parallel with FCC, CE, CSA and UL. All products sold to Germany must have TUV certification for their safe use standards.
The purpose of TUV's application of safety standards is to prevent personal injury and property loss caused by various hazards that may occur during the use of household appliances, mechanical products and automotive products, including electric shock or shock, excessive temperature or fire, mechanical hazards, radioactive hazards and chemical hazards.
In addition, enterprises can apply for the CB certificate when applying for the TUV mark, and thus obtain the certificate of other countries through conversion. Moreover, after the products have passed the certification, TUV of Germany will go forward to inquire the rectifier manufacturers of qualified component suppliers to recommend these products; In the process of certification of complete machine, all components with TUV mark can be exempted from inspection.
Advantages of TUV certification service
Be able to provide quality system certification and product export inspection (such as CE mark) at the same time;
It can provide a variety of international quality series certification at the same time;
With local assessors registered in the German headquarters, the certification service has no language problems.
TUV certification data preparation
1. Technical parameters
2. Electrical schematic diagram
3. Parts list
4. Circuit block diagram
5. Product manual
6. Product appearance drawing
TUV certification inspection
Factory inspection
Before factory inspection, the factory shall prepare the following documents for inspection:
- Company organization chart
- Organization chart of quality control department
- Training records of QC personnel and key personnel
- Quality control flow chart - Production flow chart
- Product change flow chart or document
- Relevant documents of incoming material inspection
- Process (production) inspection related documents
- Documents related to delivery inspection
- Equipment management related documents (such as calibration certificate, equipment account, etc.)
- Control of nonconforming products
At that time, T ü V engineers will check the documents and the site and communicate with your company.
Annual factory inspection
The data and inspection process to be prepared for the annual factory inspection are basically the same as the factory inspection, but the annual factory inspection must carry out the product consistency inspection, and the factory must submit the documents required for the consistency inspection. See the factory inspection user manual for specific requirements.
TUV certification cycle
It is usually 3-4 weeks, which can be expedited, and extra charges are required for expedited

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