1507051075 How is Canada's IC certification handled_Shenzhen MTL Testing Technology Co., Ltd

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How is Canada's IC certification handled
作(zuò)者:總管理(lǐ)員(yuán)   時(shí)間(jiān):2017-10-04 01:17  來(lái)源:未知   浏覽:

Industry Canada requires IC certification for electronic products entering the Canadian market, Canada

EMC certification mark.

The standard of IC certification is basically consistent with that of FCC. At present, IC only limits electromagnetic interference

Ices-001: industrial, scientific and medical radio frequency generators

ICES-003: interference charging equipment standards digital devices

RSS series: transmitting and receiving equipment

Such as ICES-003: ite: products and computer peripheral office equipment, IC RSS series low power wireless RF products

Such as RSS 210, applicable products: wireless mouse and keyboard, wireless remote control toys and various low-power wireless RF products,

Cs03 (telecommunication terminal product PSTN)

FCB in Canada, equivalent to TCB in the United States, can issue IC certificate or IC ID. generally, it is for CE and FCC

Direct transfer to IC, VCCI, MIC and BSMI certificates. CSA and cul are Canadian safety, and IC is electromagnetic compatibility.

IC (Industrial Canada): the Ministry of industry of Canada is responsible for electronic and electrical products, EMC, Telecom wireless products and communication

Information required for IC certification

1. Instructions in English & nbsp;

2. Specifications

3. Circuit schematic diagram

4. PCB diagram

5. Block diagram

6. Business license

7. Organization code

8. Application form

9. Product pictures

10. Samples

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