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EU Certification Project
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Toys EN71 certification
作(zuò)者:管理(lǐ)員(yuán)   時(shí)間(jiān):2021-08-18 11:48  來(lái)源:未知   浏覽:
Introduction to toy EN71 certification
EN71 is the standard for toy products in the EU market. Many countries have established their own safety regulations for these products, and the production companies must ensure that their products meet relevant standards before being sold in the region. The manufacturer must be responsible for accidents caused by production defects, poor design or improper use of materials. Therefore, the Toy EN71 Certification Act was introduced in Europe, which means to regulate the toy products entering the European market through the EN71 standard, so as to reduce or avoid the harm of toys to children.
EN71 certification test scope
The Toy Directive applies to any product or material designed or intended for children under 14 years of age to play.
Mechanical and physical properties; Combustion performance; Transfer of certain elements; Chemical related experimental equipment; Non-experimental chemical toys; Figure displaying the age warning sign; Finger paint pigments: colorants, preservatives, migration of specific elements, primary aromatic amines, olfactory and taste tests, pH value, product information, including agents, additives, wetting agents and surfactants; Organic chemical compounds: flame retardant, color fastness to perspiration, colorant, primary aromatic amine, monomer migration, solvent migration, solvent inhalation, wood preservative, non-wood preservative, plasticizer, toxicity evaluation, pH value, formaldehyde.
In addition, for electric toys, including battery-driven toys and toys with AC/DC conversion power supply. In addition to the general toy standard EN71 test, electromagnetic compatibility test is also required, including EMI (electromagnetic radiation) and EMS (electromagnetic immunity).
EN71 certification process
1. Submit the application;
2. Submit samples;
3. Sign the contract;
4. Advance payment;
5. Arrange orders;
6. Test;
7. Issue certificates and reports;
8. Final payment receiving report.
EN71 certified factory inspection
No factory inspection required
EN71 certification cycle
5 working days

上(shàng)一篇:Rhine TUV certification

下(xià)一篇:German GS certification

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