1507050726 What are the steps for FCC certification of displays_Shenzhen MTL Testing Technology Co., Ltd

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What are the steps for FCC certification of displays
作(zuò)者:總管理(lǐ)員(yuán)   時(shí)間(jiān):2017-10-04 01:12  來(lái)源:未知   浏覽:

For the cost of FCC certification of HD display, you can contact Yibo for testing. Display is a display tool that displays certain electronic documents on the screen through specific transmission equipment and then reflects them to human eyes. From a technical point of view, as long as the screen resolution can reach more than 720p, the display can be called high-definition display; Therefore, what we generally call high-definition display refers to those displays that can achieve higher resolution. If the monitor is to be exported to the United States, it must go through FCC certification.

1、 How much does FCC certification cost

FCC certification fee is mainly regarded as the category of FCC certification. For different categories, FCC certification fee is also different; Previously, FCC certification was divided into fcc-voc, fcc-doc and fcc-id. after the promulgation of the new regulation FCC 10-208, the new FCC was divided into two categories: fcc-sdoc and fcc-id, and their certification fees are also different.

On July 13, 2017, decree fcc10-208 officially came into force, and the federal regulatory commission (FCC) laboratory officially replaced the original fcc2.948listed. In addition, the subsequent SDoC certification procedures will replace the previous verification and DOC certification procedures. Equipment conforming to the SDoC certification procedures need FCC marks. In terms of FCC after the new deal, FCC is divided into two categories: fcc-sdoc

Fcc-id, how much does the new FCC certification cost after the new deal?

1. First distinguish whether the product is fcc-sdoc or fcc-id

(1) Ordinary products (EMC test) such as electronic scales, humidifiers, floor sweepers, electric fans, etc. if the above products do not have wireless function, fcc-sdoc shall be used.

(2) For wireless products (wireless testing), such as mobile phones, wireless remote controls, Bluetooth speakers, tablets, etc., fcc-id certification shall be done.

(3) Other wireless products

This refers to products that can still work without wireless function, or have USB interface and function of data transmission. It is recommended that fcc-sdoc and fcc-id authentication be done at the same time.

2. FCC certification fees are different for different products

1. Fcc-sdoc certification for ordinary products without wireless, with a cycle of 10-15 working days;

2. For wireless products, such as mobile phones, wireless remote controls, Bluetooth speakers, tablets, etc., fcc-id certification is required. The cost (depending on the product), and the cycle takes about 4 weeks;

2、 FCC certification process:

1. Submit request form, sign contract and pay money;

2. Prepare test samples (fixed frequency machine is required for wireless products) and provide product materials;

3. We issue a draft statement, the Customer acknowledges and issues a formal statement;

4. If it is fccsdoc, the project is completed; In case of request for fccid, submit statements and technical materials;

5. After reviewing and Issuing the fccid certificate, we will send the formal statement and fccid certificate; 6. After obtaining the FCC certification, the enterprise can use the FCC mark and relevant statements on the products; Note: manufacturers requesting fccid certification for the first time need to register with fcc-frn and establish the files of the requesting company in FCC. The certificate issued after review will have fccid number. Generally, fccid is composed of "grant code" + "product code".

Manufacturer code: three digit numbers or capital letters, which shall be directly issued by FCC; Product Code: it is composed of numbers, letters and "-", but there cannot be two or more "-" in succession, nor can the first and last "-". The number of digits of this code shall not exceed 14, and the number can be determined by the customer.

3、 Information required for FCC certificate:

1. Prepare 2-3 samples

2. Certification application form 3. Product specification

4. Parts list

5. Circuit schematic diagram

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