1507050676 What are the procedures for handling ROHS certification_Shenzhen MTL Testing Technology Co., Ltd

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What are the procedures for handling ROHS certification
作(zuò)者:總管理(lǐ)員(yuán)   時(shí)間(jiān):2017-10-04 01:11  來(lái)源:未知   浏覽:

ROHS certification regulations are updated and changed as follows:

(1) On June 4, 2015, the EU issued directive (EU) 2015 / 863 in its official gazette to amend Annex II of RoHS 2.0 and list four phthalates in RoHS 2.0; So far, the restricted substances in rohs2.0 Appendix II have been increased to ten.

(2) From July 22, 2019, all electronic and electrical equipment except medical equipment and monitoring equipment need to meet new requirements;

(3) From July 22, 2021, medical equipment and monitoring equipment shall meet new requirements. In addition to the EU, other countries and regions around the world, such as China, California, Singapore, India, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, have also successively introduced RoHS control requirements, making RoHS the basic access threshold for electronic and electrical products to enter the global market.

If the products want or will be exported to the EU, meeting the EU ROHS 2.0 requirements is a basic requirement; If you do not know the test requirements of EU ROHS certification, want to know the EU ROHS test, or have not obtained the test report, please feel free to consult us.

Applicable product scope of ROHS certification:

Electronic and electrical products and their raw materials (including: large household appliances, small household appliances, information technology and communication equipment, lighting equipment, electrical and electronic tools, toys, leisure and sports equipment, medical equipment, other electronic and electrical equipment).

ROHS certification test standard:

IEC 62321 (European Union and California RoHS)

ROHS certification test process:

1. Fill in the ROHS certification application form according to the requirements of the ROHS certification authority.

2. Select a third-party testing agency to complete the ROHS testing of products. For enterprises, the RoHS agency can select the full entrustment type (the testing and certification of products are completed by the RoHS agency) or the semi entrustment certification method.

3. Make payment to the selected agency. The agency completes the test of the samples provided by the enterprise. ROHS certification has a short test cycle for the products. Generally, after the samples are handed over to the RoHS agency, it takes only about one week to complete the test of the samples (the specific cycle is subject to the evaluation scheme given by the engineer after understanding the product data).

4. After the sample test is passed, the EU ROHS certification authority will issue the ROHS certification report, which is generally mailed to the address reserved by the enterprise by express. If the enterprise has special requirements, it can also send someone to the ROHS certification authority center to get the ROHS certification report in person.

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